Wednesday, December 19, 2007

16 December 1944

We have been getting our full share of tropical downpours lately. This is the beginning of the rainy season in New Guinea. The rain comes in showers never lasting for more than an hour and usually less. But when it comes down it seems as if the clouds have opened up and spilled a whole lake on us. A few minutes ago I set a 2 gallon tin can which we use to wash clothes outside the tent. In 10 minutes it was full and running over the top. It takes about 15 minutes for the water to come down Cyclops mountain and then the ditches, streams, even roads are rivers of rushing water. Our tent area is situated on a hill so the water does not bother us as it rushes by our door. We have a deep trench dug around our tent for drainage and we certainly do need it.

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